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Torno • Laser thermometer
Torno • Laser thermometer
Torno • Laser thermometer
Torno • Laser thermometer
Torno • Laser thermometer
Torno • Laser thermometer
Torno • Laser thermometer
Torno • Laser thermometer
Torno • Laser thermometer
Torno • Laser thermometer
Torno • Laser thermometer
Torno • Laser thermometer


Laser thermometer


Want to ensure precise and even cooking? The Torno laser thermometer is the essential accessory. Compact, fast and easy to use, it measures the temperature of your pizza stone in less than 0.5 seconds thanks to its infrared technology and laser sight. With a temperature range from -50°C to +600°C and a clear and readable LCD screen, it guarantees perfect control of each cooking.

Batteries are included.

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Availability for Torno • Laser thermometer


The Torno thermometer, the essential tool for perfect cooking!

Ultra-fast reading
Measure the exact temperature in less than 0.5 seconds, without direct contact. This speed saves you time and does not interrupt the cooking process, ensuring optimal cooking of your pizzas, every time.

Extended measuring range
The Torno thermometer covers a temperature range from -50°C to +600°C, giving you exceptional flexibility to measure the temperature of your pizza stones, but also other surfaces or ingredients accurately, whatever the need.

Convenient LCD display
Its LCD screen ensures easy and clear reading of the results, even in poorly lit environments. You can also choose between Celsius (°C) and Fahrenheit (°F) temperature units according to your preferences or habits, for maximum comfort.

Adjustable precision
With its emissivity adjustment, you can adapt the temperature measurement according to the materials you are measuring, whether metal, ceramic or other surfaces, for increased accuracy and versatile use.

Ergonomic design
Compact and lightweight, this infrared thermometer is designed for easy handling and daily use. Its ergonomic design allows for comfortable use, whether in the kitchen, for frequent checks, or elsewhere to measure the temperature of various objects.

Ready to use
The Torno thermometer comes with batteries included to insert. It is ready to use as soon as it is opened, allowing you to use it immediately and without hassle.


Dimensions: 15 x 5 x 8.5 cm
Material: PP
Indication: Batteries included

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Pourquoi choisir le thermomètre laser Torno ?

Lecture ultra-rapide
Mesure la température en moins de 0,5 seconde grâce à la technologie infrarouge, sans contact direct pour une cuisson optimale et rapide.

Plage de température étendue
Une plage de mesure de -50°C à +600°C, parfaite pour des applications diverses, de la cuisson des pizzas à la mesure de la température d'autres surfaces.

Écran LCD pratique
Facile à lire, même dans des environnements peu éclairés, et possibilité de choisir entre Celsius (°C) ou Fahrenheit (°F) pour un maximum de confort.


Any questions? We’ll tell you everything here!

Quelle est la plage de température du thermomètre laser ?

Le thermomètre Torno couvre une plage de température de -50°C à +600°C, ce qui le rend adapté à de nombreuses applications, y compris la mesure de la température de votre pierre à pizza.

Comment se fait la mesure de la température ?

Le thermomètre Torno utilise une technologie infrarouge et une visée laser, permettant de mesurer la température en moins de 0,5 seconde sans contact direct, ce qui rend l'utilisation rapide et pratique.

Est-ce que les piles sont incluses ?

Oui, le thermomètre Torno est livré avec des piles incluses, ce qui vous permet de l'utiliser immédiatement.

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