Publisher of the site

The site is operated by the company :

Cécoa Diffusion

87 voie de Châtenay

91370 Verrières-le-Buisson, France

SIRET number : 79943984900032

Phone number : +33 (0)1 69 29 00 90

Email address :

The director of publication is Mr. TULLIO Bruno.

He can be contacted at the coordinates appearing in the present conditions.

The purpose of these General Conditions is to provide for all the conditions of access and use of the Site. The access and the use of the Site imply the tacit acceptance and without reserve of the present conditions by the user.

Site host

The site is hosted by


140 Quai du Sartel

59100 Roubaix-France

Tel: 08 20 32 03 63

Design and production

This website is designed and produced by :

La Bonne Agence

8 rue Jean Prévost - 38000 GRENOBLE - FRANCE

Tél : +33 (0)4 38 12 09 25 -

Intellectual Property

"The present website as well as the domain name are the property of Cécoa Diffusion.

The content of the website such as data, information, brands, illustrations, logos, videos, 3D animations is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights.

Any copy, translation, adaptation, distribution, representation or reproduction of the content of the site, in whole or in part, is prohibited and will result in legal action.